<strong>Name of Scholar: </strong>Lapeti sari, Eriyati, Nobel Aqualdo, Deny Setiawan<br><strong>Brief About Scholar: </strong>Poverty is a complex and multidimensional problem that exists in all Indonesia provinces. Therefore, an effort for comprehensive poverty reductionshould be carried out to various aspects of lives. Poverty alleviation is one of the important indicators of successful development.
This study aims at determining the effect of population growth, economic growth, education level, health and unemployment rate on poverty in Riau Province and finding out most dominant factors affecting the poverty.
The study was conducted in Riau Province, Indonesia, using secondary data from BPS - Statistics Indonesia and relevant institutions. Regression analysiswas carried out as a data analysis method.
<br><strong>Name of Institution: </strong>University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia<br><strong>Previous Research Papers: </strong>NA<br>