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Student Story: How I Manage My Time to Achieve Success in the Classroom

It can be hard at first, but a little bit of structure can make life less stressful in the long run.
My name is Stephanie McKie and I am a full-time student enrolled in the medical assisting program at Herzing University, graduating in spring 2019. I’m married and I have a five-year-old son, and I also work full-time for AT&T as a customer service representative. Between life, school, work and family, my days can get a little hectic.
One of my first classes at Herzing was Professional Development, and it helped me learn time management skills. Making lists and using a calendar helps me manage my schedule and it also provides structure for my family, so they know my availability during school.
It can be hard at first, but a little bit of structure can make life less stressful in the long run. Here’s how I do it:


I am on and off my feet all day, and I’m often exhausted by the time I get home. Nevertheless, I try to wind down and eat dinner with my family. Then, around 7 p.m., I’ll go through our mail, answer my email, and concentrate on my school work.

Days off:

I don’t work on Thursdays and Sundays, and I try to get as much school work done on Thursday to reduce what I have to finish up on the weekend. Thursdays are also the days that I go grocery shopping, clean the house and pay the bills.
I also find little ways to be more efficient with my time. For example, I make a list before I go grocery shopping so that I don’t spend a lot of time in the store. I also plan out meals for the week ahead. I make home-cooked meals on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. I’m trying to teach my husband how to cook because he’s a stay-at-home dad, and I’ll buy easy-to-cook items so he can make dinner on the other days of the week.


Sundays are reserved for church, family and laundry. To get ready for school, I print out the upcoming week’s assignments and review what needs to be done. I’ll often plan to do my required reading and discussions early in the week, just in case unexpected things come up later.
With more courses comes more school work, which starts to minimize the time I can spend with my family. Right now, I’ve found a balance that works well for me and my family. Taking the time to plan out your schedule can help you find a routine that works for you and makes your life a little less stressful, even when things get crazy!

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