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Yulia Efni*, Syukur Dermawan Halawa, Novita Indrawati3

<strong>Name of Scholar: </strong>Yulia Efni*, Syukur Dermawan Halawa, Novita Indrawati3<br><strong>Brief About Scholar: </strong>This study aims at analyzing the effect of intellectual capital and good corporate governance (GCG) on firm value and corporate sustainable growth. The population of this study was all companies of the food and beverage sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2014-2018. The sampling technique employed was purposive sampling. From the specified criteria, 13 companies were selected as research samples. This study utilized Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis to test whether the independent variables have an effect on the dependent variable. The study results proved that intellectual capital, good corporate governance, firm size, firm age and leverage have a positive and significant effect on firm value. Subsequently, intellectual capital, good corporate governance and firm size have a positive and significant effect on corporate sustainable growth, while firm age and leverage have no effect on corporate sustainable growth. Limitations in this study are caused by the use of varied variables and the size of the sample. Therefore, subsequent research is recommended to use different research variables and expand the size of the sample by selecting diversified industries.<br><strong>Name of Institution: </strong>University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia<br><strong>Previous Research Papers: </strong>N/A<br>

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