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Atallah Fahad Mekhlif

<strong>Name of Scholar: </strong>Atallah Fahad Mekhlif<br><strong>Brief About Scholar: </strong>I am Prof. Dr. in Entomology scine 2009, I began as Biology assestance in 1980 in Department of Biology Mosul University, IRAQ. I complete my M Sc and Ph D study in college of science Mosul University. Also I studied in Merret univer. (Chaudhary charan Sing) in 1999 for an half time in fishes taxonmy with sorry I return back country becaese no finance suportment.Now I teaching undergraduted students and four postgraduated students.<br><strong>Name of Institution: </strong>Department of Biologe, college of Education for Pure Science Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq.<br><strong>Previous Research Papers: </strong>C- Research papers : (26) as fellows 1. Salih, E. ; Hakem, N. and Mekhlif, A. F. (1983). The incidence of human hydatidosis in Mosul Iraq. J. Egypt . Soc. Parasitol., 13 (2) : 501-508. 2. Mekhlif, A.F. and Khazraji , A.T. (1889). The importance of Sisymbrium irio. and (Sonchus asper) in the distribution of Phytomyza horticola. J. Educ. Sci., 9:85-97. 3. Mekhlif, A.F. (1992). Some biological aspects about beet leaf miner, Pegomya cunicularia. (Diptera :Anthomyiidae). J. Educ. Sci., 12:52-57. 4. Mekhlif, A.F. ( 1993 ). New record of dipterous leaf miners in Iraq with emphasis on their bionomic aspects, J. Educ. Sci., (accepted in 23-3-1993). 5. Mekhlif , A.F. and Al-Attar, H.H. (1994). Evaluation the parasitic efficiency of the parasitoid Anastatus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) on the oathecae of the cockroach Supella supellectilium Serv. (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). J. Educ. Sc.18:26-30. 6. Mekhlif , A.F. (1997). Preferred sites and substrates for oothecal distribution of the cockroach Supella longipalpa (Surville) (Dictyioptera:Blattellidae).Journal of Babylon University, .3: 10 pp. 7. Mekhlif , A.F. (1998). Determination the effect of the leafminer Phyllonorycter platani Stagy. (Gracilliaridae) : Lepidoptera) to their host Platanus occidentalis in Mosul forest. J.Sci. Tikrit Univ., 4 (2): 42-48 8. Mekhlif, A.F. (1999) Records of some leaf miners of Anthomyiidae (Diptera) and their host plants in Iraq. Bull. Iraq Nat. Hist. Mus., 1 (9) : 117-121. 9. Mekhlif, A.F. (2000). Records of host plants of pea leaf miner, phytomyza horticola Goureau (Diptero : Agromyzidae ) in Iraq. Bull. Iraq Nat. Hist. Mus., 9(2): 70- 76. 10. Mekhlif, A.F. and Abdul-Rassoul, M.S. (2002). Efficiency of parasitoids of pea leaf miner, phytomyza horticola Goureau and their appearance time in the field. But , Not Mus., 9 (4) :27-32. 11. Mekhlif, A.F. (2007). Efficacy of enriched Melia azedarch L. extract on immature stages of the pest Spodoptera cilium latebrosa (Geurine) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae). Tikrit Pharmaceutical Sci., 3(1):63-68. 12. Mekhlif, A.F. (2007). Bioefficiency of the contracts of Azedarchta excelsa (Jack) and xanthium italicum Moreti on the mortality at aphis fabae Scopoli and its hyperparasites,Asphes suspensus (Nees) and Pachyneuron ephidis Bouche (Hym: Pteromatidae). Tikrit I. Pharmaceutical Sci., 3(1): 54-62. 13. Mekhlif, A.F. (2007). Effect of Melia azedarch L. and Alianthus altissima Swingle extract on the Alimentary tract and growth of black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon Hufn. (Lapidopetra : Noctuidae). J. Raf. Sci., 3 (1) :63-68. 14. Mekhlif, A.F. and Khazraji, A.T. (2009). Sub-lethal effect of Melia azedarach L. fruits extracts on gonads of beet armyworm, Spodapetra exigua (Noctuidae:Lepidiptera). J. Anbar Univ. Pure Sci., 2:31-38. 15. Mekhlif, A.F. ( 2012). Bioefficacy of four botanical extracts against Culex pipiens molestus Pallens (Culicidae) Stages and non-targeted Chirinomus Nineveh Ahmed (Chironomidae). Raf.J. Sci., 23(2) : 23-35. 16. Mekhlif, A.F. and Al-Ghusaimi, M.A. (2012). Effect of some plant extracts on growth and reproductivity of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Tikrit, J. Pure Sci., 340-349. 17. Mekhlif, A.F.(2012). Extract bioefficiency of five Euphorbia spp. (Euphorbaceae) on crimson-speckled moth, Utethesia pulchella. ( Lepidoptera : Arctiidae) growth and development. Raf. J. Sci., 23 (4): 23-32 18. Mekhlif, A.F. and Abdulrazaak, M.M.(2019). Sub-Lethal effect of four plant extracts on growth and reproductive parameters of Culex pipens molestus (Diptera :Culcidae). Journal of Education and Science.28 (1): 1-9. 19. Mekhlif, A.F. and Al-Dulami, M.N.(2017). Efficacy of three botanical crude extracts against Culex pipiens molestus Forskal immature stages. J. Raf. Sci., 26(1): 1-11. 20. Abdulrazaak, M.M. and Mekhlif, A.F.(2014). Indirect bioefficiency of some plant extracts in reproductive parameters of Culex pipiens molestus Forskal and oviposition. Proceeding of EIGHT international Conference of College of Education for Pure Science, Tikrit University in 2014. 21. Mekhlif, A.F. and khadair, G.T.2015. Assess the biological control of swimming back Anisops saradea H.S. and dragon fly Othetrum chrysostigma against immature stages of mosquito Culex pipiens Molestus. Journal of. Environmental Studies, (JES). Vol.XIV : 59 â€" 66.. 22. Mekhlif, A.F. and Khudair, G. T. (2016). Bioactivity of three Cyanobacterial blooms against Culex pipeins molestus (Diptera: Culicidae). Interonational Journal of Research, 3(10): 354-363 (Impact factor 5.60 in 2016). 23. . Mekhlif, A.F. and khudair, G.T.(2016). Evaluation of some aquatic predators potentiality as alternative control of Culex pipiens molestus. Arabic J. Sci. Res. Pub., 2: 23-135. 24. Mekhlif, A.F. (2017). Larvicidal efficacy and residual toxicity of selected xerophyte plants against Culex pipiens molestus mosquito. International Journal of Mosquito Research, 4(3) : 115- 120. 25. Mekhlif, A.F. ; Khadair, G.T. and Alzakabe, L.H.(2017). Influence of damselfly, Ischnura evansi (Odonata : Coenagriidae) on the immature stage of Culex pipiens molestus (Diptera : Culicidae) as biological control. J. Babylon Univ. Pure Appl. Sci., 25(2) : 446-454. 26. .Naktal M. Allo and Mekhlif, AF. (2019). Role of the predator Anisops sardea (Hhemiptera: Notonectidae) in control mosquito Culex pipiens molestus ( Diptera : Culicidae) population. International Journal of Mosquito Research, 6(2): 46 â€" 50<br>

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