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The Biden administration's COVID-19 cover-up is revealed via a leaked CDC document

The Washington Post released a leaked internal CDC study on Thursday, warning of widespread community transmission of COVID-19 among vaccinated persons and urging the Biden administration to cease pushing mask wearing and social distance.

Almost every public assertion made by the White House in the last two months is contradicted by the classified assessment. The paper cautions that 35,000 symptomatic COVID-19 infections occur every week among vaccinated persons, based on a wide variety of public studies, including some that was previously unreported.

According to the research, persons who have been vaccinated yet are infected with COVID-19 are just as contagious as those who have not been immunised. It admits that COVID-19's Delta form is more contagious than a common cold and is one of the most transmissible illnesses known to man.

The paper refutes President Joe Biden's claim on July 22 that vaccinated persons cannot contract COVID-19—"You're not going to acquire COVID if you have these vaccines," Biden said.

Despite the fact that the CDC has access to data conclusively showing the reverse, Biden has exploited the assertion that vaccinated persons are totally protected from COVID-19 to justify the elimination of masking and social distancing restrictions for months. In June, Biden stated, "Take your mask off, you've earned the right."

The CDC revised its mask-wearing advice on May 13, advising vaccinated persons to stop wearing masks and socially distance themselves in crowded places. In May, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said, "Anyone who is completely vaccinated can engage in indoor and outdoor events, large or little, without wearing a mask or physical distancing."

The CDC's remarks led to the near-complete abolition of mask use in the United States. Businesses ceased enforcing mask regulations within days, and the vaccinated people, misled by the CDC, went maskless in public, reducing social distance.

The deliberate propagation of erroneous information by US health officials contributed to the pandemic's huge comeback, with cases now increasing by 50% each week.

The CDC experts advocate for an immediate reversal of this disastrous recommendation in the leaked study, saying boldly that “universal masking is necessary to prevent transmission of the Delta variant.”

The paper also asks for “community mitigation strategies” and non-pharmaceutical measures, such as the closure of non-essential businesses and schools, to “reduce Delta variant transmission.”

In reaction to the leaked letter, the Biden administration said unequivocally that major efforts to combat the disease had been ruled out. “We will not be into a state of lockdown,” White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said on Friday.

The method by which the internal CDC paper was released to the Washington Post is unknown. The CDC and the Biden administration have yet to disclose it, and the CDC has failed to comment on its publication to the Post, implying that its leadership is opposed to it being made public.

The report's framing in the media was mostly deceptive. The study was reported by NBC Nightly News as "new results from the CDC," without disclosing that it was released without the authorization of the CDC or the White House. Its results were presented as unexpected and shocking, despite the fact that the majority of the report's conclusions were already well-known.

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