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Ancient History of India

 India is one of the world's oldest civilizations, with a diverse variety of people, a fusion of several customs and traditions and a rich cultural heritage. It is the 7th largest country globally, with Great Himalayas at the North, the Indian Ocean at its South, the Bay of Bengal in the East and the Arabian Sea in the West.  The geographical feature gives the country a different identity, standing apart from the rest of Asia. It is the second-most populous country globally, with a large share of the young population, aiming for a brighter future.

Every Indian at their heart is proud to be a citizen of the country. From being colonialized for years to becoming one of the world's leading economies, the nation has evolved splendidly. A contributing reason for this is the nationalistic passion of the people.

The history of India is very dynamic. With human civilization settling, the culture around the Indus River began with some communities settling in the South. Many communities migrated to this land, leading to the diversity of culture today. The use of prominent metals like iron, copper was prevalent on this land at a relatively early stage. By the end of the 4th Millennium BC, India was a highly developed civilization.

Indus Valley Civilization marked the beginning of the history of India. It took place around 2500 BC. During this period, people lived in well planned, well-built towns, which were centres of trade. Roads were broad, with a well-planned drainage system. They knew the art of growing cereals, consumed vegetables, fruits and eggs as well. But, unfortunately, this Civilization came to an end due to continuous floods, earthquakes.

Vedic Civilization was one of the earliest civilizations of ancient India. It flourished around the river Saraswati. This period marked the occurrence of two great epics- Ramayana and Mahabharata.

In the early 6th and 7th centuries B.C., sixteen great Mahajanpadas existed. Certain monarchies such as Vatsa, Magadha, Kosala, and Avanti flourished with increasing wealth and prosperity and conquering the neighbouring states. This all took place during the lifetime of Lord Buddha. Thus, this period is known as the Buddhist era. Lord Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism, which evolved into a great culture.

Alexander invaded in 326 BC, conquering territory after territory. During this time, he even discussed several philosophies with the Brahmins. He was known as both wise and fearless. However, sometime later, he got attacked by the Mallis, from where began Alexander's downfall. By July 325 BC, Alexander turned westward for home.

The period of the Mauryan Empire (322 BC- 185 BC) was very significant. Politics, art, trade and commerce elevated India to a glorious height. Small kingdoms scattered around started uniting. India also established contact with the alien world during this period. Chandragupta Maurya liberated regions that were under the Greeks. He came to be known as the first emperor of Bharata. Due to an interest In religion, he left his throne in the hands of his son Bindusara. Bindusara' son Ashoka, who took over after him, was the most famous emperor of India. His empire was from the Hindu Kush to Bengal, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, and India, except some southern areas. The conquest of Kalinga was the turning point of his life. A lot of manslaughters changed his heart, and he evolved a policy of Dharma Piety.

Ashoka was succeeded by weak rulers, and the Mauryan Empire came to an end.  Gupta Dynasty followed, which was known as the golden period. They engaged in sea trade, and during this time, many scientists and scholars flourished.

Ancient India saw the rise and downfall of many dynasties. Their legacies were left behind, and still today, the stories are present in history books. From the 9th Century A.D., the era of Medieval India began, marking the end of the Ancient History of India.

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